Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Nana Challenge

Can you spot the Impostor Nana in the 51 Nana Mouskouris (click image to enlarge)? Well there is it least one imposter in this collaged google image search.
My top secret Flash Trash work made from old vinyl records centres around the fact that 2007 will be the 50th anniversary of Nana Mouskouri's professional career. 50 years and she's never converted to contact lenses or a side parting. You've gotta admire that. Harry Belafonte tired to bully her in the '60s not to wear glasses on stage but she dug her clunky heels in. She made glasses cool. Geeky before her time, she paved the way for all of us short sighted dorks.
She was my first role model as I have said before and although my first glasses at age 14 were heavily influenced by my John Lennon period, the second pair were pure Nana. The sales assistant informed me at the time that they would remain in fashion for at least 18mths. This surprised me as I was unaware that they were currently in fashion and I intended to wear them for at least 10 years like my previous frames! Unfortunately though, the huge weight of the large glass lenses and the onset of a permanent headache meant that my 3rd and current pair are rather more conservative. However, innovations in lightweight plastic lenses may mean that my fourth pair, to be chosen very shortly due to more to vanity than failing eyesight, may well go back to my Nana roots.
You can be assured that I will never, never succumb to contact lenses, which are surely the work of the devil and not to be trusted by us neo-luddites.


Florence Forrest said...

Bec, Its like an album cover of album covers!!

I had to look really hard too.

ps I'm wearing my own geek glasses at this very moment!

There really is an album cover creative flavour in the air at the mo. and more power to it!!

Rebecca-the-Wrecker said...

Yes I love a good cover version and so does Nana! I know you thought I should dress up as each one of the 50 Nanas a la Tracey Moffat Scorpio series but I think my one solo appearance as blonde Nana was a powerful and profound statement of something or other!

merlyn said...

Gosh I have had the same frames for my glasses for over a decade now... book wormish wire frames.

Freaky to see so many Nana images at once. I must admit while I know the name I am not all that familiar with her music. My gothiness gets in the way I guess.


Rebecca-the-Wrecker said...

hi merly
who IS familiar with her music? the GLASSES are what it is all about. and the hair. but yes she does have a wonderful voice...

Anonymous said...

But wait..there's more!! I have in my hands right now yet another Nana album cover. The very album that was the start of your Nana fever. Thank's to Nana I can wear my old glasses, lashings of eye make-up and large sunglasses without fear of ridicule.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

I could never wear contacts in my eyes. Those bits of glass swimming in your eyes...yuk!

Seeing what Florence said about creative album covers reminds me when they were really the late '60's and early '70's. As we have CDs, and the covers are smaller, there is less space.

Rebecca-the-Wrecker said...

My favourite album cover was an early 80s Negativeland one made of magazine cutouts and wallpaper pieces. and now alot of people don't even use cds for music anymore you just download a little image for your mp3 player to go with the track. i cannot say that's progress...